Wednesday, February 11, 2009

when there were four

Yep, another maternity shoot for you, but this one includes a couple of cute little ones as well. I just love to get outdoors. I am longing for the colors that spring will bring to my view finder, but for now we found our own color in the neighborhood. We took some photos indoors, but I think the kids agreed with me that outdoors is better, cause they got real agreeable to my photography ideas as soon as we stepped outside.

I'll start off with a photo of the four...almost five of them. Soon it will be hard to even imagine what life without the new little one was like.

I just love her little expressions in these two shots! (just click on the image to see it larger)

And very soon having just these two little ones will seem so easy, right?!? :o)

And onto the reason we're here, this here baby belly...

And one last little family shot, that I love. What a cute belly, what a beautiful family. Don't worry! Having three is fantastic, especially with a birth order like our kids :o)

Thanks again for having me over and going with all my crazy ideas! I can't wait to meet the little guy (and learn his name)!


Anonymous said...

Love this shoot!! Those shots with the ivy are my faves...stunning!

carmen said...

Thanks Rach!! I love it when you leave me a comment! (cause sometimes I think I'm the only one who looks at my blog) And I can't wait to see the results of this "editing" that facebook tells me you are doing!