Tuesday, October 28, 2008

baby boy

My very favorite things to photograph are births. I had a photographer with me for the births of my babies, and those photos are such a treasure to me, that I love being able to capture that special moment for other people. And this time... I almost made it! I think I walked into the room six minutes after baby made his grand entrance. Those third babies just don't take their time!

The gorgeous baby, not long after his arrival

And one with his beautiful mommy

I love how tiny he looked in daddy's arms.

I was especially excited to photograph this birth because his brave mom had him at home, and I've never witnessed a home birth. It was, afterwards anyways, an amazingly relaxed atmosphere. And I loved the contraption the midwives used to measure this little guy. I can't tell how it reads, but this is it

Stay tuned for more photos of this beautiful boy and his family. And Rachel, congratulations again!! I have so enjoyed spending time with you and learning from you, I look forward to our many photo sessions back and forth in the future! ;o)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

these are a few of my favorite...people

If you know me at all, you know this family! And you know how much I adore this family. And oh how much fun I had taking some quick pictures of them:

When this sweet little thing was just a teeny tiny newborn we took a photo of her lying on the end of the bed with the rest of the family behind her, so I decided to try and recreate it. She's not so teeny, but she's so stinkin' adorable! (though I admit, I may be a little biased when it comes to these girls for some strange reason.)

These girls LOVE their daddy, and he adores them, I think this picture definitely captures the daddy's girls.

I took individual photos of each of the girls, but this was my favorite. I love those glasses. I love this sweet girl.

I seriously can't get enough of them.

And lastly, the family photo I love the most. Is this not a beautiful family!?!

That's it for now, but you will see more of this family very soon. I'm thinking with fall leaves all around them...
Love you guys! More than you will ever know.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

five days old

A dear friend of mine recently had her fourth, that's right, fourth! baby, and I couldn't resist the urge to get over there to get a snuggle and snap a few pictures. And this sweet little girl was just a perfect little subject and just as adorable as her three bigger siblings.

At only five days old she still had her umbilical cord attached, which I love. It's so symbolic to me, it shows this connection, and emphasizes the newness. *sigh* how I love newness! I always felt a little emotional when my babies' dried, stinky umbilical cords fell off :o) Is that odd?

I also love how big the soother looks on a little newborn face. How beautiful is this baby?!

Congratulations again, you are my new hero, and I wish I were as brave as you, to have a fourth! I always love spending time with you, so I'm glad she gave me the excuse!

Monday, October 20, 2008

little man

This little guy was at that adorable age were you can barely get them to sit still for even a moment. So I had lots of fun chasing him around his house, as our weather was, once again, a little uncooperative that day. Despite all that conspired against us that day, those beautiful brown eyes and sweet little face still managed to make my job easy. Here are a few of my favorites:

I just love his beautiful brown eyes.

blue horse, blue horse, what do you see? (I'm a little familiar with his choice of book)

I am trying a few new things with editing lately, so I had some fun with the next couple

Thanks again for having me come and capture your sweet little guy, we'll have to find a nice day that works again someday soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

happily ever after

So I am not a wedding photographer, nor do I advertise myself as such, but inevitably every summer I do seem to book a few, usually friends or family, but I always have fun because I get to think outside the box and try some new things. This wedding was no exception...first of all, I don't think I have ever seen such a stunning bridal party! It was a beautiful day, and the setting was beautiful as well. Everything was working in my favor...

This was actually one of my very favorite shots of the day. I love the texture of the grass in behind them

And finally, the whole party on a sweet old truck that we happened upon behind the neighbor's house...I was thrilled!

Congratulations you two, it was a a beautiful affair to start out your life together!!