Sunday, October 19, 2008

happily ever after

So I am not a wedding photographer, nor do I advertise myself as such, but inevitably every summer I do seem to book a few, usually friends or family, but I always have fun because I get to think outside the box and try some new things. This wedding was no exception...first of all, I don't think I have ever seen such a stunning bridal party! It was a beautiful day, and the setting was beautiful as well. Everything was working in my favor...

This was actually one of my very favorite shots of the day. I love the texture of the grass in behind them

And finally, the whole party on a sweet old truck that we happened upon behind the neighbor's house...I was thrilled!

Congratulations you two, it was a a beautiful affair to start out your life together!!


rachel said...

wow...these are GORGEOUS!!! What a beautiful couple. love that shot of them on the grass, and that rockin' bridal party shot with the car (gorgeous BW conversion too!)

Team Statham said...

Took your blog from Linda's facebook. ;)

You took some awesome pictures. Thanks for posting them