Thursday, November 27, 2008

I think I may have a new favorite...

Have I mentioned what a genius my friend Rachel is? Well she is. I think she figured out my color problem, so I have lots to post. This is my last shoot, I will have to go back and fix all my other ones before posting them, but here are a few new ones in the mean time:

You may recognize this family if you've been following my blog. We had planned to get together for some Christmas pictures and after a few tries, we finally found a nice day, and got some great photos! I love this little family. Their baby is seriously the most smiley, happy little girl ever! I thought I had happy babies, but she takes the cake! And her mom and dad are so much fun, it is just such a pleasure to take their pictures! Here are some of my favorites:

And miss happy herself

She seemed to like sticking her tongue out. I got lots of shots of that little tongue, and I just love her expression in this one

Now for the kissy pictures... i love these

That new favorite I mentioned? This just might be it. I LOVE this picture!! Dad's expression, how little miss is practically mauling him, all of it, I just love it!

Or it might be this one. I love it too. Can't decide, both will be on the new website!!

And finally, because they were Christmas pictures, and I'm beginning to feel rather Christmas-y...

Thanks again, you guys are such fun, and I just adore your sweet baby!!! Hope to see you all again soon! Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad I was able to help! I love that second to last pic, the B&W one. Gorgeous shoot :)