I know, I know, it's been a while. But my lack of blogging does not mean that I have not been busy taking pictures. It just means that blogging is the thing I'm letting slide these days. Life has been crazy lately! It's true what they say, life just gets busier the older your kids get, just busy in a different way. I think it's partly because I have kids in all three stages of the game right now. One in Grade school, one in preschool, and one toddler that doesn't understand the words "sit still". So they are my main source of busy-ness. And I do love (almost) every minute of it! :o)
And then there are my fabulous clients! You people are keeping me crazy busy! I feel so blessed for the work I am given and am able to do. With the number of photographers out there, I honestly feel so honored every time I am chosen to capture your families on camera. I LOVE what I do, I am so blessed to do it professionally. So thank-you. I am currently booked all through June, and most of July, at least for weekends. I will have some evening availability throughout the summer. All that being said, if you were hoping to have me photograph you or your family in the near future, I would suggest booking as soon as possible! I already have bookings into September!!!
And now, the reason I am blogging today...this little dude:

I recently had the honor of visiting this little guy and his mom and dad in their home in Port Moody for some photos. This little guy is 8 weeks old in these photos, and his parents are just crazy about him. It is so fun for me to see the awe of new parenthood! I alway am excited to see first time parents, the absolute awe of love and joy a new baby brings. It never gets old. It just grows and changes.
Anyways, wee man here was happiest in mommy's arms, or having a little snooze. So we let him set the tempo, and got some great shots.

I love a sleeping baby... no matter how old they are. My sleeping six year old "baby" still melts my heart. Funny how my sleeping husband doesn't quite have the same effect. hmmm.
Speaking of "hmmm..." isn't that what this picture makes you think:

He just looks like a cute little thinker. Finally, I have one last family photo, of mom and dad lovin' on their little man.

And now I am off to the great outdoors to enjoy this 30 degree weather we're having, but I promise, I will be back soon with more. I have some cute babies, some fabulous bellies, and one of my favorite families all lined up to be blogged about, so check back, I'll get back on my game soon!! :o)