Friday, April 24, 2009


My VERY exciting news that I had mentioned is that my new website is now up and running and I am so very excited about it!!! To celebrate my launch and because it puts me in such a great mood, I am feeling generous and like having a little give away! So...if you head on over to and leave a comment either here on the blog, or through the "contact me" section of the new site then I will enter your name in a draw for a free session! (and if you leave a comment both places I might even enter your name twice! You have two weeks, I will draw and post the winner on Friday May the 8th!
Good luck and happy viewing!


Suzy said...

Carmen, I just emailed you this, but I'll say it again: You are unbelievably talented, and I am SO proud of you! Congratulations. Your new website is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

carmen...LOVE LOVE LOVE the new website, you are very talented!! um...derek wants to know why there aren't anymore pictures of him on the website considering his great bone structure...Lori

shawnandchrissie said...

Carmen ~ I've been watching your site for a while now. Love the new design. Enjoy taking pics myself, so when I stumbled across Stephanie's FB link to a friend of hers pics, then again Crystals' FB, I bookmarked your site. I'm the one that takes the pictures around here, so, you know how that is, the photog rarely gets in the pics ;-) I'd LOVE to have you take some shots. Keep up the good work ~ Chrissie

PS Contact me for a block-long site downtown Vancouver for graffiti!

Carla Neufeld said...

hey carmen, your website is really great and your pictures are really beautiful! and i'm not just saying that for the giveaway either! haha, although i won't complain if i win ;) - carla (hiebert) neufeld

Unknown said...

Still loving the website! I'm going to send it out to a few people who may be looking to do photos, so hopefully you'll have some new clients soon :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Carmen, I just emailed you...but if I can get my name entered TWICE in a draw...well so be it! Your website is beatiful, you're quite a talent! -Angie Boldt

Jen Nickel said...

Well your sister is shamelessly plugging your website on Facebook :) so I figured it can't be a bad idea to enter myself :) Hope you take "stranger" entries too!

Jen N.

Michelle said...

Okay, I totally love your new website. Your are truly talented!

Kim Smith said...

Hey Carmen, Tan sent me the link as she is so proud of you...the pictures are so beautiful and intentional, you capture the moments....
Our turn will be soon, so will give you a call! Kim

Chelsea said...

Carmen!Pick me Pick me!!! Im so excited to finnaly get to see your new sight! its FANTASTIC! please entre me in to the draw! im posting a coment on facebook and on your new web signt does that count as three ;D
-Chelsea T.

Laura said...

I want to win! Love your new website and all your beautiful photos!

Erin Drayton said...

Your work is amazing. Love the website!! Keep doing what you're doing!!

Anonymous said...

I told you this in person but I will say it again for the contest sake....You are a very talented photographer Carmen. Your website is put together very professionally and the pictures show off your artistic eye.

Anonymous said...

Love the new website! I always peek at your blog too because I love spying the new pics!

~Ginger Hartman

Chelsea B said...

Well I already commented earlier, but I was talking to a girlfriend about it who is currently pregnant with her second little baby, and I've always been quite known to be the "grammar police" but I noticed on your info page, that you spelled location wrong in the first paragraph. But again- amazing photographs. You have a real talent for capturing life. Take Care!

Kristin Chandra said...

Great new website Carmen. Love checking your blog for new pics - great stuff!!

Anonymous said...

oops clearly my editing wasn't perfect! YES I am shamelessly plugging my sister and proud of it:)

Cassandra Kasteel Hamilton said...

Hi Carmen,
Kelly sent me the information on your website and blog and I love it. Very obviously, you are a great photographer and what is also obvious is that you have a great big heart because you couldn't take pictures like this without one. I have been mucking around in photography as a hobby, but am the one classically out of the pictures...would love to have you do some family stuff of my little family one day soon.